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Statement on the shameful attacks by US imperialists and their henchmen against the DPRK

The Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association and the Czech Group for the Study and Materialization of the Juche Idea are outraged by the escalation of hostilities by US imperialists and their henchmen against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, which is a thorn in the side of its enemies as a dignified independent socialist state.

The US imperialists have failed to fulfill any of their promises in negotiations with the DPRK’s top leadership, and by continuing pressure on unilateral disarmament and clinging to illegal sanctions, they have long thwarted the efforts of all progressive people across Korea and abroad for just peace on the Korean Peninsula and independent peaceful reunification.

After a short period of hypocrisy, the south Korean authorities once again act as a faithful puppet clique of their American masters and carry out other provocative joint military exercises against their compatriots with their occupying mercenaries.

In this sharpened international and inter-Korean situation, the reactionary rulers of Malaysia have committed the unforgivable crime of falsely accusing a DPRK citizen and extraditing him to American imperialists in violation of the principles of international law. In this way, they proved to be an inadequate decay of bootlickers of the US and caused the interruption of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the DPRK.

Various disgraceful loudmouths in our country, whose independence is now completely formal and real human rights and freedoms are being suppressed by an inhuman exploitative system, are joining the annoying campaign against Korean and international socialism.

Our organizations strongly support the DPRK’s views on the current provocations of the enemy forces, expressed in press statements on March 15-19. The imperialists of the United States have no choice but to control all of Korea, enslave its people, and plunder its natural resources. They did the same to the former socialist states, which could be seduced by their false propaganda about “freedom and democracy.” They never apologized for the enormous human and material damage done to Korea in the unjust war of conquest, let alone tried to atone for them.

Socialist Korea does not and will not belong to those who have been deceived by the imperialists and their minions.


Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association,

Czech Group for the Study and Materialization of the Juche Idea

In Prague on March 20, 2021