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Statement of the Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association on the 1st Anniversary of the DPRK-US Summit

Prague, June 3, Juche 108 (2019) – With regard to the upcoming 1st anniversary of the DPRK-US Summit and the adoption of the joint statement by Chairman Kim Jong Un and President Donald J. Trump the Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association and the Czech Group for the Study and Materialization of the Juche Idea are watching with concern the reactions of the reactionary forces, directed against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea and against the spirit of a joint statement of 12 June 2018 of the two top representatives.

The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea proceeded to talk with the US at the highest level as a strong and dignified socialist country that defended its independence from all imperialist threats. Two meetings of top DPRK and US leaders were an example of the development of the long-standing efforts of the socialist Korea for lasting and just peace and friendly international relations. The DPRK has generously declared its interest in ending hostilities, although the US has never apologized for the crimes committed during the war aggression on the Korean Peninsula, and although their occupying troops remain in the south of Korea.

After the first summit, the DPRK has taken serious steps to reach agreements, including interruption of nuclear tests and inter-continental ballistic missile trials. On the other hand, the US has come up with a blatant demand for unilateral nuclear disarmament of the DPRK, conducting a slanderous campaign on the “human rights issue” against it and insisting on the continuation of illegal sanctions. US occupation troops continue to drill in south Korea for an attack to the north.

DPRK does not impose its social order on anyone, but it does not allow imposition from others. It never led an unfair war, had no territorial requirements against other states, and never threatened them. To insist on its unilateral nuclear disarmament with the continued nuclear weaponry of several other states and the military occupation of south Korea and the Pacific islands is an impermissible pirate logic of the imperialists.

The Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association and the Czech Group for the Study and Materialization of the Juche Idea in order to establish a lasting and just peace on the Korean Peninsula and contribute to establishing peaceful cooperation around the world invite the international community to abolish economic sanctions against socialist Korea and to establish mutually beneficial relations. They call on the governments of the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic to restore friendly relations with socialist Korea, which were established more than 70 years ago, while respecting national independence and non-interference in internal affairs.


Paektusan Czech-Korean Friendship Association

Czech Group for the Study and Materialization of the Juche Idea

Prague, June 3, Juche 108 (2019)